Iowa Technology & Education Connection

Below you will find a list of the project categories for the student technology fairs and the rubric that will be used to evaluate the project.

Link to NEW Scoring Rubric

This rubric has been based around the design thinking process and the ISTE Standards for Students.  ITEC believes there is a lot of learning that occurs throughout the process, so encourage students to reflect on the process as well as the product.

ITEC’s goal is for students to create projects that demonstrate the application of the ISTE Standards for Students. These standards are incorporated within the project evaluation rubric and can be applied across all project categories. The standards are: Empowered Learner, Digital Citizen, Knowledge Constructor, Computational Thinker, Creative Communicator, and Global Collaborator.

1. 3-D Rendering/Non-linear Animation

An entry in this category is a printed, rendered, or animated product created with software including (but not limited to) CAD software, VectorWorks, Google SketchUp, or any other non-linear animation software. Entries could include architectural or mechanical designs or 3-D Worlds which include rendered architectural, mechanical and environmental objects. Printed projects or projects displayed by video or computer output should be accompanied by materials which explain how the software was used to produce the intended result and help viewers understand the design process that was used. This category also includes virtual worlds such as Minecraft.

2. Graphics/Publishing

An entry could be a printed or electronic product created using a desktop publishing or computer graphics software package. Entries could include publications such as flyers, brochures, posters, newsletters, or graphics such as logos, illustrations, or T-shirt designs. Publication software packages used may include but not limited to Microsoft Word, InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, etc.; graphics software used could include FreeHand, Illustrator, Photoshop, Fireworks, Kid Pix or Photoshop Elements. Include any materials that help explain the design process.

3. Innovative Technology Use

An entry in this category is a product that does not neatly fit into any of the other categories. Technology is continually progressing and this category encourages you to use innovative ideas. This may include social media or other imaginative applications. Pre-planning documentation materials such as a storyboard and a flowchart are required.

4. Mobile Apps

An entry in this category is an app that is specifically developed for a mobile device (phone, tablet, slate, etc.). This app can be developed for any operating system (Android, iOS, etc.) as long as the entrant has a mobile device that can run the app on the day of the fair. This app may be created using an app development website, but it may not be just a link to mobile-friendly web pages. The app will be judged based upon planning, organization and creation. Pre-planning documentation materials such as a storyboard and a flowchart are required.

5. Music and Sound Design

An entry in this category will be an original digitally created aural or sound project. Examples include an original song, a sound story, soundtrack for a movie, a 60-second radio commercial or other similar product. Demonstration and presentation will be done via headphones. A script or flowchart of the process including the development tools used is required (examples). Complying with copyright laws is especially important in this category. Copyrighted material may not be used. We would suggest that you use music that is original or licensed under Creative Commons.

6. Programming

An entry in this category may be created using an authoring program or program environment. Entries may include, but are not limited to, robotics, macros, compiled applications, etc. Pre-planning documentation materials such as a flowchart is required (examples). Programming code must provide enough comments to describe the process sequence to a non-programmer.

7. Video or Linear Presentation (includes animation)

An entry in this category is a non-interactive presentation that runs without operator assistance. Creation and presentation may be by computer or videotape. The presentation should tell a complete story in less than eight minutes. Evaluation of projects in this category will consider writing and exposition as well as technical expertise. Pre-planning documentation materials such as a storyboard is required (examples).

8. Web Presence

An entry in this category could be a web page, RSS subscription formats (wikis, blogs, podcasts, enhanced podcasts, mobile-friendly web pages, etc.), WebQuests or a combination. Project should run from a computer provided by the entrant the day of the Tech Fair. Pre-planning documentation materials such as a flowchart is required (examples).